Park, Sihyun, and Jaehee Jeon. (2021). "Social Abuse in Intimate Partner Relationships: A Hybrid Concept Analysis." Trauma, Violence & Abuse' 15248380211013140.
Jeon, Jaehee, and Seunghye Choi.(2021, June). "Factors Influencing Patient-Centeredness among Korean Nursing Students: Empathy and Communication Self-Efficacy." Healthcare. Vol. 9. No. 6. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
최은희, 김진희, & 전재희. (2021. 08). 간호대학생의 미세먼지 관련 건강행위 영향요인. 대한근관절건강학회지, 28(2), 130-139.
NOH, Gie Ok, & Jeon, Jaehee. Factors Associated with Cancer‒prevention Behaviors among Community‒Dwelling Adults in South Korea. Therapeutic Research, 2021, 42.1: 51-60.
Jeon, J., & Park, S. (2021, April). An Exploratory study to develop a Virtual Reality based simulation training program for hypovolemic shock nursing care: a qualitative study using focus group interview. Healthcare, Vol. 9, No. 4, p. 417(1-16).
남소희, 전재희, 허연정, & 조수민 (2021). 중소병원 적정성 평가를 담당하는 간호사의 지식 및 교육 요구도. 근관절건강학회지, 28(1), 18-29.
Jaehee Jeon, Jin Hee Kim, and Eun Hee Choi. "Needs Assessment for a VR-Based Adult Nursing Simulation Training Program for Korean Nursing Students: A Qualitative Study Using Focus Group Interviews.". Iinternational Journal of Environment Research and Public Health. 17, 8880 (2020): 1-18.
Jeon, Jaehee, Eun Hee Choi, and Jin Hee Kim. "Factors Influencing on Handwashing Performance among Nursing Students." Journal of muscle and joint health 27.2 (2020): 132-141.
JaeHee, Jeon, Lee EunHee, and Kim EunJoo. "Development of an Instrument to Assess the Nursing Professional Pride." Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 50.2 (2020).
Kim, Sisook, and Jaehee Jeon. "Factors influencing eHealth literacy among Korean nursing students: A cross‐sectional study." Nursing & Health Sciences (2020).
Jeon, Jaehee, and Sihyun Park. "Comparison of the efficacy of eyelid warming masks and artificial tears for dry eye symptoms in contact lens wearers." Contact Lens and Anterior Eye (2020).
Park, Sihyun, Su-Hyang Bang, and Jaehee Jeon. "“This Society Ignores Our Victimization”: Understanding the Experiences of Korean Male Victims of Intimate Partner Violence." Journal of interpersonal violence (2020): 0886260519900966.
Kim, Miji, Jaehee Jeon, and Eunjung Ryu. "Text Network Analysis of Oncology Nursing Studies Published in the Journal of Asian Oncology Nursing." Asian Oncology Nursing 19.4 (2019): 193-203.
Kim, Jin Hee, and Jaehee Jeon. "Reliability and Validity of the Korean Version of Presenteeism Scale for Students (K-PSS) in Nursing Students." Journal of muscle and joint health 26.3 (2019): 281-289.
Park, Youngrye, Sunah Park, and Jaehee Jeon. "The Mediating Effect of Self-esteem and Meaning of Life on the Relationship between Stress and Depression in Adults." Journal of muscle and joint health 26.3 (2019): 214-222.
Kim, Nam Jung, et al. "Effects of role conflict, job satisfaction and professional pride on retention intention of nurses working at long-term care hospital." Journal of muscle and Joint Health 26.2 (2019): 81-89.
Jeon, Jaehee. "Difference between Medical Students and Nursing Students about Awareness and Attitude toward Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Medical Treatment." Journal of the Korea Convergence Society 10.8 (2019): 335-344.
Jo, Eun Jin, Kyung-Sook Lee, and Jaehee Jeon. "Effects of nursing organizational culture and self-leadership on job satisfaction for nurses working in the comprehensive nursing care service ward in public hospitals." Journal of muscle and joint health 26.2 (2019): 111-119.
Choi, EunHee, JaeHee Jeon, and JinHee Kim. "Factors influencing colonoscopy behaviour among Koreans with a positive faecal occult blood tests." European journal of cancer care 28.2 (2019): e13008.
Jeon, Jaehee. "Factors influencing internet game addiction of university students in South Korea". Asia life sciences. 17(2), (2018): 1177-1187
Jaehee, Jeon et al. "Short international internship experience among nursing students.Asia life science". Asia life sciences. 17(1), (2018): 189-198
Jeon, Jae Hee. "Cultural Experiences of Korean Nurses Caring for Foreign Patients." International Information Institute (Tokyo). Information 20.3B (2017): 2249-2258.
Choi, Eun Hee, et al. "Male Students' Experience of Choosing to Major in Nursing." International Information Institute (Tokyo). Information 20.3B (2017): 2105-2116.
Lee, Suk Jeoug, and Jae Hee Jeon. "A Systematic Review of Effectiveness of Exercise Intervention on Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease." International Information Institute (Tokyo). Information 19.12 (2016): 5937.
Lee, Suk Jeong, and Jeon, Jaehee. "Effects and methods of AIDS prevention education for middle & high school students in korea". Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology. 6(6), (2016): 169-183
Jeon, Jae Hee. "Evaluation of a smartphone application for self-care performance of patients with chronic hepatitis B: a randomized controlled trial." Applied Nursing Research 32 (2016): 182-189.
Jeon, Jae-Hee, and Kyunghee Kim. "Consumer's needs for development of smartphone application for self care performance of patients with chronic hepatitis B." The journal of the Korea contents association 16.4 (2016): 729-740.
Lee, Suk Jeong, and JaeHee Jeon. "Relationship between symptom clusters and quality of life in patients at stages 2 to 4 chronic kidney disease in Korea." Applied Nursing Research 28.4 (2015): e13-e19.
Jeon, Jae Hee. "Evaluation of a smartphone application for self-care performance of patients with chronic hepatitis B: a randomized controlled trial." Applied Nursing Research 32 (2016): 182-189.
Jeon, Jae Hee. "Evaluation of a smartphone application for self-care performance of patients with chronic hepatitis B: a randomized controlled trial." Applied Nursing Research 32 (2016): 182-189.